What’s going on here? What is all this? Who are you people? 

A Case Of You is a newly launched curated collection of highly customizable vintage cigarette cases and boxes from around the globe, all at least 50 years old.

The exterior and/or interior of the cases can be laser etched with artwork, lyrics, logo or message. Interior laser etching is done onto a wide range of wood inserts. An established unique vintage case transforms with the addition of personalized artwork. 

Joshua Taylor, Oregon’s Cannabis Concierge, sources the cases, while design and laserbwork is handled by Spacemonkey Designs, whose artwork is also available for the cases.

What types of cases do you have? 

There are 300+, and include:


Poodle Case

These flat or curved cases have either interior silk or elastic straps, or a spring loaded interior bar to hold the cigarette in place. 

Interiors are often gilt, unfinished metal, a checkerboard pattern, or “engine turned”, meaning pretty swirls such as these:

Case exteriors are metal or leather, with plain, patterned, or artwork finishes. Some have a space for a monogram. Many have plain backs suitable for laser work. 

The interiors can be fitted with laser etched wood on one or both sides of the case.


These cases have a matching lighter often secured within the case which can be removed and used. 



These have built in lighters that automatically ignite when the case door snaps shut. They make you look extra cool. 


These boxes were designed to hold a standard pack of 20 cigarettes. Some come with matching lighters. They are made of leather or metal, often with intricate design work using beads, leather, enamel and mother of pearl.  

These boxes can be fitted with a customized wooden interior lining, and dividers to separate and store contents. 

There are smaller cases designed for – that’s right – smaller joints.

How old are they? 

Most are from the 1930s through 1970s, a few are older. 

Where are they from? 

The United States, the Soviet Union, Japan, Korea, Germany, England, Switzerland, and France, among other countries. 

The manufacturers include: Elgin, Colbari, Princess Gardner, Rolf’s, Ronson as well as unbranded cases.

What do they do? 

Hold your cannabis joints, tobacco cigarettes, Driver’s License/ID, Credit Cards, business cards, or cash. But not all at once. 

Who are they for? 

People who like to carry those things, perhaps in something they’ve helped design. These are one of a kind cases, and can be personalized far beyond a monogram. 

What are they made of?

Aluminum, Stainless Steel, Nickel, with the rare silver plating. 

Are they brand new?

No, although some appear to be unused, all are at least 50 years old. As such they show signs of a genuine vintage case, including scratches, worn spots, and general use. 

All cases are cleaned, polished, and inspected. Any fixes/replacements needed are made to ensure the cases are fully functional.   

How do I start?

  1. Select your case from the listings. With a few expectations, there is only one case of it’s kind in the collection. 
  2. Check the size of the case with the listed measurements. Compare them to whatever you plan to carry.
  3. Pick your wood insert. Choose from a wide variety of woods with a range of beautiful finishes. 
  4. Select the artwork, logo, lyric, or message you want laser etched on the interior wood, and/or, the case itself. Profanity is both allowed and encouraged. Choose your font and artwork size.

If you have more of an idea than a finished image, we can help with your design needs. 

  1. Once you’ve finished your selections, we’re on your case.